Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vintage Coke and some tea

I will start our first posting not with a recipe, just because I haven't cooked anything yet and I want to post pictures with every post. So maybe tomorrow. BUT I was shopping today and like always you found so cool new products and I want to show and share that with you, too.

I found this tea, which sounds like good stuff. It was one Herbal tea called christmas eve and a black tea called christmas morning. I will try some of the herbal one tonight.

My lovley friend Saskia knows how much I love tea, so she sent me with Caiden's birthday package a really neat box of 30 different types of tea, two of each, I already trank about half of the box and most of them are really yummi. Some are kind of weired and I would not buy a whole box of it, but I guess that is what sample boxes are for, to try and find something what you like..
And I also bought these cute vintage coke bottles today. The fourpack was 1 $, so i thought I'm gonna buy them just because they are cute.. I'm sure the coke will taste the same, but maybe I keep the bottles for some craft projects.


Sazou said...

Hey ich wusste ja gar nicht, dass du noch so einen Blog gestartet hast. Super coole Idee!!

Freu mich, dass dir der Tee gefaellt. Mir schmecken da auch einige Sorten nicht, aber was soll's. Ich fand die Idee klasse und man hat so viele Auswahlmoeglichkeiten.
Die christmas Tees sehen ja auch sehr yummie aus!! Lass mich mal wissen, ob die was waren.

Carolin said...

Der Christmas Eve Tee riecht ziemlich stark nach Spearmint Kaugummi war aber trotzdem lecker zum trinken. Der Schwarztee war eigentlich ein normaler Schwarztee, dachte der ist irgendwie mit weihnachtlichen Aroma... also nix besonders, aber lecker