Friday, November 21, 2008


Everybody wants the best for his family, right? I'm really into nutrition and good and healthy food, but sometimes we just can't afford to do all the way organic food. I try to stay organic with meat and diary products. So we order our milk, milk-products, eggs and Orange juice from the Milkman . Even though the milk is a little bit more expensive as at the store, I think it's the better way. The milk tastes great, it's all natural and from local farms, which I think is important, too. We drink about 2 Gal. a week, and since Caiden is on milk now, too its even more important to me, that he gets good stuff. So I'm willing to pay the price.

They also have the yummiest cookie dough EVER!!! I made the cookies a couple of times and everybody is asking about them.
And on the green side, they reuse their containers, so you rinse them, put them in your "milkbox" and the milkman takes them with him again. So all over a really good thing!

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